Welcome to the new website for the Camp Harkness Foundation. Please be aware that certain areas of this website are under construction or may not have the most up-to-date information while we work to understand this new system. This site is intended to be an easily accessible and navigable hub of information for the Camp Harkness community. In the case that you find an error or have any technical difficulites, please send us a message by emailing campharknessfoundation@gmail.com so that we can assist in the improvement of our website.
Waterford, CT
A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words
There's no way we could tell you everything about Camp Harkness and what it means to its community, but we can show you!
To view our pictures without text, hover the cursor over the image you'd like a better look at, or click on an image to open the whole gallery with nothing to block the view.