Welcome to the new website for the Camp Harkness Foundation. Please be aware that certain areas of this website are under construction or may not have the most up-to-date information while we work to understand this new system. This site is intended to be an easily accessible and navigable hub of information for the Camp Harkness community. In the case that you find an error or have any technical difficulites, please send us a message by emailing campharknessfoundation@gmail.com so that we can assist in the improvement of our website.
Waterford, CT
Honor What Truly Matters
Since the beginning of the Camp Harkness Foundation, it has been pivotal to recognize our donors and their motivations. One of the easiest ways to do that is by contributing to the Buy a Brick campaign. This page will detail the options available to donors who would like to be remembered or who wish to donate in a way that will memorialize a loved one.
Donor Tiers
Half Brick Donor
Donation of:
Donate an engraved half brick to be placed along a path of other donor bricks at Camp Harkness!